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Truancy: Pennsylvania state law defines “truancy” as “three (3) or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year by a child subject to [the] compulsory school attendance [law].” 

Habitually Truant: Pennsylvania state law defines “habitual truancy” as “six (6) or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year by a child subject to [the] compulsory school attendance [law].”

Unexcused absences are recorded only for students eighteen (18) years of age or older.  Such absences are the same as unlawful/illegal absences but are not illegal since students over eighteen (18) years of age are not subject to compulsory attendance laws. 

Unexcused Tardiness is the accumulation of both late arrivals and early departures that have been recorded as unexcused.  Unexcused tardies (in excess) may accumulate as actual unlawful absences, which may be subject to fines.  Tardies shall be considered unexcused if a Tardiness Excuse note has not been submitted to the school office within one (1) day of the recorded tardy.

Unlawful/illegal absences are absences for reasons other than those listed above under “attendance”.  Such absences shall be recorded for students less than eighteen (18) years of age.

Absences shall be considered unlawful/illegal if an Absence Excuse note has not been submitted to the school office within five (5) school days and may result in disciplinary action.