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Social Studies

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Social Studies Course Offerings

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Level 1

- US History (

- REEL History 

- World Cultures 
- REEL History 
- US History Through Sports 

- American Government/Civics 
- REEL History 
- US History Through Sports 
- Global Economics 

- REEL History
- US History Through Sports 
- Global Economics

Level 2

- US History

- REEL History 

- World Cultures 
- REEL History 
- US History Through Sports 

- American Government/Civics 
- REEL History 
- US History Through Sports 
- Global Economics 
- Introduction to Psychology 
- Introduction to Sociology 

- REEL History 
- US History Through Sports 
- Global Economics 
- Introduction to Psychology 
- Introduction to Sociology 

Level 3

- US History


- Debate I 

- Debate II 

- Human Geography 

- World Cultures 

- Debate I 

- Debate II 

- Global Religions through Scripture and Cultures 

- Human Geography 

- Introduction to Psychology (L2)*

- Introduction to Sociology (L2)*

- American Government/Civics 

- Debate I 

- Debate II 

- Global Religions through Scripture and Culture 

- Global Economics 

- Human Geography 

- Debate I 

- Debate II 

- Global Religions through Scripture and Culture 

- Global Economics 

- Human Geography 

Level 4

- AP United States History

- AP Human Geography

- AP World History

- AP Human Geography


- AP US Government & Politics

- AP Human Geography

- AP Macroeconomics

- AP Microeconomics

- CHS History Seminar

- AP Human Geography

- AP Macroeconomics

- AP Microeconomics

- CHS History Seminar


* Introduction to Psychology and Introduction to Sociology are L2 classes but are recommended for L3 10th graders*

Bolded= Fulfills a required course

Maroon= Half credit, 1 semester course, in a split block           Navy= 1 credit, 1 semester course, in a full block           Gray= 1 credit, yearlong course, in a split block